The troubleshooter has been designed to show specific information about your computer which will help us ensure that you can access content without issues.


How long do I have to complete my training?

Your training should be completed by the time you start your first shift on venue.

How do I know if I have completed all my training?

You will receive a badge to confirm when you have completed a course, and you will also get a badge when you have completed all course assigned to you.

What happens once I’ve completed my training?

Once you have completed your training you will have access to revisit the modules at any point should you want to refresh your knowledge. If you require any further information to complete your role safely and effectively, please speak to your line manager.

Who do I contact with any questions about the training programme?

If you have any questions about the training programme, please contact:

Will I get a certificate after I complete the training?

No, your completion of the course will be logged on the learning management system and the tournament management system so a certificate is not required.

Can I provide feedback on my training experience?

Yes, we’d really love to hear what you think! Any feedback you give will be used to improve the training experience of future event workforces. Please complete the evaluation form that is located at the bottom of the Rugby Unveiled: Tackling the Basics course.

Who do I contact about a technical issue?

The troubleshooting table can be used to self-diagnose most issues. However, if you're still having problems or need further advice you, please contact:

Who do I contact for general inquiries about the tournament or event logistics?

If you have any general inquiries about the tournament or event logistics, please contact:


The troubleshooting table can be used to self-diagnose most issues.

Recommended Your device Status
Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari
HTML5 content
Viewport (Screen width) of at least 375px
Device Pixel Ratio is used to work out how content should be displayed depending on device and zoom settings.
Your device resolution is the combination of the viewport and DPR.
Pop-ups enabled

Support contact

If you're still having technical issues or need further advice, please contact:

Browser recommendations

This site has been optimised to run in a variety of different browsers listed below. The site may work in other browsers, however, we are unable to offer any further support in these situations. The following icons are provided to download the latest versions if it is available to you.


HTML5 is a modern technology that allows browsers to display complex animations and graphics without the need for plug-ins. Most modern browsers (including browsers on mobiles and tablets) have good HTML5 support, so if your browser is kept up to date you shouldn't have an issue with HTML5 content. You can check if your browser is up to date by visiting:

Screen resolution

Screen resolution is the number of pixels (or dots) on the screen at once. The higher your screen resolution, the more screen space you have. The recommended screen resolution for e-learning is at least 1024 x 768px. If you have a screen resolution of less than this, you may not see the whole screen, or you may have to scroll to see the page. If your machine is set to something other than the recommended resolution you will not be prevented from accessing the e-learning content, although the display may be impaired.


Pop-ups are new windows that 'pop-up' on screen when you click something; for example an internet link. Some browsers now block this from happening as they have been used in the past to display advertisements.

Some e-learning courses need to open a window to display further content. If pop-ups are blocked on your PC, content may not display correctly, and in some cases your progress may not be tracked. For each browser we have provided a guide on how to disable the pop-up blocker.